Tuesday 15 August 2017

Monday    Mane, toru ō paengawhāwhā
Ngā rā - days of the week

Te - singuler - one thing
Ngā - plural - two or more things
Rā - days. Rā is also a sun god in several languages.

Monday   - Mane
Tuesday   - Tureī
Wednesday   - Wenereī  
Thursday   -   Taite
Friday   -   Paraire
Saturday   -   Hātarei
Sunday   -   Rātapu

Tuesday 9th april - Tureī e iwa - paengawhāwhā
Thursday 11th april - Taite kotahi tekau ma tahi - paengawhāwhā
Sunday 14th april - Rātapu kotahi tekau ma wha - paengawhāwhā
Saturday 20th april - Hātarei rau tekau - paengawhāwhā
Wednesday 24th april - Wenereī  e rau tekau wha - paengawhāwhā
Friday 30th april - Paraire e toru tekau - paengawhāwhā

Manē tekau ō paengawhāwhā

Kei te peheā koe - how are you
Kei te pai ahau - i’m fine
Kei te hiamoe ahau - i’m sleepy
Kei te haikai ahau - i’m hungry.
Kei te hianu ahau - i’m thirsty.
Taua āhua āno - same as ever.
He aha te mate - whats wrong.

Me: Tena Koe!
Them: Tena Koe!
Me: Ko Jeremy ahau
Them: Ko Hugh ahau
Me: Ko Keti Peheā Qwier
Them: Ko keti ahau  

Ko (ingoa) te (mea)
It is (name) the (object)  

On the surface, everything looked ordinary.

The boy in the boat was bored. He had lived beside this boring river with his boring family for his whole boring life. Nothing unexpected ever seemed to happen to him. He often went to bed at night and wished for something exciting in his life.

Little did he know, underneath the ground he walked on and the river he rowed his boat on, a marvelous, mysterious, magical menagerie of life stirred.

His life was about to become a lot more interesting…

Tom Trueheart

In the middle of the forest snow falls down very slowly and leaves follow the wind, foggy gloom surrounds the forest with its misty feel.

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