Tuesday 30 May 2017

Creating a self supporting bridge

Today  i did a tech challenge with my class and we had to build a bridge from 20 ice blocks sticks the bridge had a gap of 25 cm support and a 500g weight.

We worked in groups we tried different ideas but none really worked
One group did it but there was no water in the drink bottle but when there was water in the bottle it collapsed.

So technically that group won.

In the afternoon my group try'd to build a good steady bridge but it kept collapsing same as the others apart from one which was good. How we try'd to do ours was stacking them on each other on a desk. So technically only one group won by weaving the ice block sticks together to make them stronger.
Next time we do it i'm gonna think of better ideas like weaving the sticks together and to have fun and win.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy you should add commas to the writing and also the capital letter I .

