Thursday 14 September 2017

Two 50 word story's

Hey guys I am Jeremy and I am also a snail. I live under this beautiful pot where no human would find. Me and my friends James, Ty, and Ghaarieth swiveled up a tree to talk about the SNAIL TRY (Snail Cross Country) which tons of people are doing.

Everyday people beat each other up it happens again and again and again and again and again so  James and Ty love going to macca’s to eat one chicken nugget and they pay $20 for one
So.. I don't know why they even bother going there R.I.P

Plan -
Macca’s -
James -
Ty -
Snail Try (Snail Cross Country) -

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Digestive system

Digestive System
Body System
What can go wrong?
Looking after your system
The digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients  to feed the entire body. Food passes
a long tube inside the body known as the alimentary canal or the gastrointestinal tract.         Image result for Digestive system      
The digestive system consists of:        
  • Large intestine
  • small intestine
  • esophagus
  • stomach
  • Liver
  • Gallbladder

  • Pancreas
  • appendix
Some conditions such as indigestion or mild diarrhea are common; they result in mild discomfort and get better on their own or are easy to treat. Others, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), can be long lasting or troublesome.  

Image result for digestive system
  1. Eat a high fibre diet eg.
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole Grain and whole wheat
  • Dried Fruit
  • Porridge
  1. Eat healthy and have at least one or two fruit a day
  2. Get in soluble and soluble fibre.
  3. Limit foods that are high in fat      
  4. Limit you sweets/ desserts
  5. Choose lean meats
  6. Incorporate probiotics into your diet
  7. Eat on schedule
  8. Stay hydrated
  9. Skip the bad habits :  Smoking avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol.  

Tuesday 15 August 2017


The most thing i enjoyed about camp was probably the slide, at first i didn't want to go on but some adults encouraged me to do it but at first they offered me to do it in the middle with a carpet i did it in the middle but actually without a carpet and cause i did that i wanted to do it at the top without a carpet as well.

The thing that i didn't like the most is that having wet feet all day.

Another cool thing that i enjoyed the most was raft building because after i built the raft with my friend Fraser and we got onto the water and i just floated so i was able to relax and enjoy floating away but on the other hand Fraser was not able to float as well   as me he was partly sinking.

Well i actually got quite a lot of favourite activities that we did and here are what they are
:Water Slide
:Raft Building
:Flying Fox
:Spotlight Get To The Church

Funyaking was ok it was very different for what i expected it to be buy nothing really is.
Anyways i enjoyed camp but i didn't enjoy having wet feet all day and everyday that we were there.
My question for everyone is if they enjoyed it and if they had wet feet all day?
The tents were good i was with Beyadan, Hugh and Me we had a 3 person tent and with me there was still a lot of room left.
We could probably fit 5 or six for including putting people in the balcony place.
Monday    Mane, toru ō paengawhāwhā
Ngā rā - days of the week

Te - singuler - one thing
Ngā - plural - two or more things
Rā - days. Rā is also a sun god in several languages.

Monday   - Mane
Tuesday   - Tureī
Wednesday   - Wenereī  
Thursday   -   Taite
Friday   -   Paraire
Saturday   -   Hātarei
Sunday   -   Rātapu

Tuesday 9th april - Tureī e iwa - paengawhāwhā
Thursday 11th april - Taite kotahi tekau ma tahi - paengawhāwhā
Sunday 14th april - Rātapu kotahi tekau ma wha - paengawhāwhā
Saturday 20th april - Hātarei rau tekau - paengawhāwhā
Wednesday 24th april - Wenereī  e rau tekau wha - paengawhāwhā
Friday 30th april - Paraire e toru tekau - paengawhāwhā

Manē tekau ō paengawhāwhā

Kei te peheā koe - how are you
Kei te pai ahau - i’m fine
Kei te hiamoe ahau - i’m sleepy
Kei te haikai ahau - i’m hungry.
Kei te hianu ahau - i’m thirsty.
Taua āhua āno - same as ever.
He aha te mate - whats wrong.

Me: Tena Koe!
Them: Tena Koe!
Me: Ko Jeremy ahau
Them: Ko Hugh ahau
Me: Ko Keti Peheā Qwier
Them: Ko keti ahau  

Ko (ingoa) te (mea)
It is (name) the (object)  

On the surface, everything looked ordinary.

The boy in the boat was bored. He had lived beside this boring river with his boring family for his whole boring life. Nothing unexpected ever seemed to happen to him. He often went to bed at night and wished for something exciting in his life.

Little did he know, underneath the ground he walked on and the river he rowed his boat on, a marvelous, mysterious, magical menagerie of life stirred.

His life was about to become a lot more interesting…

Tom Trueheart

In the middle of the forest snow falls down very slowly and leaves follow the wind, foggy gloom surrounds the forest with its misty feel.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Creating a self supporting bridge

Today  i did a tech challenge with my class and we had to build a bridge from 20 ice blocks sticks the bridge had a gap of 25 cm support and a 500g weight.

We worked in groups we tried different ideas but none really worked
One group did it but there was no water in the drink bottle but when there was water in the bottle it collapsed.

So technically that group won.

In the afternoon my group try'd to build a good steady bridge but it kept collapsing same as the others apart from one which was good. How we try'd to do ours was stacking them on each other on a desk. So technically only one group won by weaving the ice block sticks together to make them stronger.
Next time we do it i'm gonna think of better ideas like weaving the sticks together and to have fun and win.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Weekly Reflection

This week i did really well at electronics because i listened, followed orders and much more.
I would like to do better next week at maths because i don't really get what we are doing for the first part and then i get it.
2 things i can change next week are
Maths trying to understand on what we are doing.
Writing trying to get better at doing better words.
My good in technology is to listen, following orders and to do what you are supposed to.
Not all the bad stuff like shouting making funny noises and stuff then you would have to go outside.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Rocket Message Carrier

Rocket Message Carrier
You are being held hostage in a room in a building on one side of a road. Across the road are people who can help you escape. You must get a plan of your building and a message across to them without alerting your captors, so you cannot yell out.
Your room has a small window. Beside it is an old telephone line which crosses the road. You have to get the map and the message across the road to the other building without being heard or seen.  You must also hurry- you only have 20 minutes until you are taken to a top-secret location which you know you will never escape from.
Fortunately, a party has recently taken place in the room you are held in and some materials have been left behind.
You wave to your friends and prepare to send the message. Speed and safe delivery are important, so they have to be able to quickly detach the message and plan and unfold it in one piece- there are no spare copies- you have one chance only!

You have 20 minutes to build your message carrier which will take an A5 sized paper with map and message safely across to the building 7m away.

You will have

  • One rubber balloon
  • 1.5m of sticky tape
  • Two paper clips
  • Dowel 20mm long
  • Two pieces A5 paper, one of which is the message.

My teams one was unsuccessful it didn't even go halve the way not even a quarter.
The winning team only used the two pieces of paper the dowel some sticky tape and the rubber balloon but everyone else pretty much used everything
:My Teams Balloon it doesn't show how far it went.

:The Winning Teams One.