Thursday 30 March 2017

Rocket Message Carrier

Rocket Message Carrier
You are being held hostage in a room in a building on one side of a road. Across the road are people who can help you escape. You must get a plan of your building and a message across to them without alerting your captors, so you cannot yell out.
Your room has a small window. Beside it is an old telephone line which crosses the road. You have to get the map and the message across the road to the other building without being heard or seen.  You must also hurry- you only have 20 minutes until you are taken to a top-secret location which you know you will never escape from.
Fortunately, a party has recently taken place in the room you are held in and some materials have been left behind.
You wave to your friends and prepare to send the message. Speed and safe delivery are important, so they have to be able to quickly detach the message and plan and unfold it in one piece- there are no spare copies- you have one chance only!

You have 20 minutes to build your message carrier which will take an A5 sized paper with map and message safely across to the building 7m away.

You will have

  • One rubber balloon
  • 1.5m of sticky tape
  • Two paper clips
  • Dowel 20mm long
  • Two pieces A5 paper, one of which is the message.

My teams one was unsuccessful it didn't even go halve the way not even a quarter.
The winning team only used the two pieces of paper the dowel some sticky tape and the rubber balloon but everyone else pretty much used everything
:My Teams Balloon it doesn't show how far it went.

:The Winning Teams One.