Friday 10 June 2016

Refletion-term 2 week 6

Reflection-term 2 week 6
I have enjoyed the pest trackers because we went on a trip today and we learnt loads of stuff like how there is this type of dear and they have this tracking thing on it and so it finds friends and then hunters come and kill his friends and then he goes to find some more friends so the hunters can kill because they are a pest or something.

Writing because my book is nearly fall and i have done a lot of stuff.

I think i need to put in more effort in art because my art at times is quite bad.

  1. The uniform to mufti.
  2.  Have more play time at morning tea and lunch time.
  3. Sit next to my friends.
  4. Give the school 1 million dollars.
  5. Have better equipment.
  6. Have better grass.
  7. Get more play grounds.
  8. Give the school food
  9. Give the school lots of money.
  10. Get everyone there own computers. 

Wednesday 30 March 2016


I begin my emergency Light.
I have drilled holes in the corflute and pushed the L.E.D's in,and stuck on the copper tape.
My next step is to lagin soldering the positive legs of the L.E.D to the copper tape.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Electronics today was my first day at technology @ HNI we looked at the GET READY website and i learned that we should
1 Create a household plan ready for a disaster.
2 Have an emergency kit.
3 Have a getaway kit.
In our emergency kit we should have a torch with spare batteries.


At eletronics i am going to design and make an emergency light that is powered by a battery that i can use i my bedroom if such an event occurs